Joyeux No�l, mit einem Weihnachtsgeschenk � For a Christmas Gift for Conservatives, What Could Be Better than the Medienkritik Blog Back in Business?

Following the surprise tweet of America's Ambassador to Germany, Richard Grenell, regarding the Claas Relotius scandal with, of all things, a David's Medienkritik collage, the sister blog of No Pasar�n, which had lain dormant for years on end, announces that, after 10 years in der vilterness, it is back in business � and richly welcome its return is.

David's Medienkritik adds that in
a nutshell, the Relotius lies and fabrications reflected exactly the American boogeyman that has been sold to Germans for years now. We even put together a list of these stereotypes in 2008 - THIS IS NOTHING NEW - and they are still current today if you simply replace the word "Bush" with Trump".
Stereotypes most favored by Spiegel staff include:
  • Americans are overbearing war-mongers bent on global domination who falsely claim they are spreading democracy when they are just spreading McDonalds and trying to control more oil fields
  • Americans are heartless purveyors of capitalism, neglect the poor, and reject social safety nets
  • Americans are trying to spread their superficial bubble gum, Disney, Hollywood culture worldwide to the detriment of all indigenous peoples - including even the Germans
  • Americans are xenophobic racists 
  • Americans are blindly patriotic, flag waving, USA-chanting, mind-numbed robots 
  • Americans are militaristic gun nuts - everyone outside New York and Washington is packing machine guns
  • Americans are obese fast-food gluttons
  • Americans are hyper-religious Bible-thumping zealots who reject European humanism
  • Americans don't care about the rest of the world or the environment (if only they could be environmental champions like the Germans!)
  • Every current and recent military conflict involving the United States = Vietnam = quagmire = defeat
  • The death penalty - did we mention the death penalty?
  • Guantanamo - can we still talk about Guantanamo???
In fact, the reason that Mr. Relotius was not caught sooner is because his absurd contortion of reality was NOT absurd to his editors - it was a precise reflection of the "ugly America" that they have constructed and come to demand in an effort to maximize profit and keep readers supplied with their regular fix of resentment.  
And to offer all the evidence you might ever need, Medienkritk provides a link to its complete Spiegel archive� 

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